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An Investigative Interview versus an Interrogation
An investigative interview versus an interrogation I learned that most people have a need to confess. I also learned that they don’t always confess to what they did in a troublesome past. Often... READ MORE
Part 4. Three Swiss Lawyers and Their Role in Something Rather Unusual.
The prosecutor, not the judge, controls the courtroom This blog entry examines Point 3 of the three-part model of the legal system in the old Soviet Union as compared to the Swiss system:... READ MORE
Part 3: Three Swiss Lawyers and Their Role in Something Rather Unusual
Distorting and sullying a defendant’s true history “Did such a scientist even exist?” Inspired by the Chernobyl reenactment drama series, this blog previously illustrated the first of three parallels drawn between the old... READ MORE
Part 2: Three Swiss Lawyers and Their Role in Something Rather Unusual
Comparing deceit in the legal system of the Soviet Union to that of the Swiss (contd.) As to Point 1: Concealment of evidence Comparing the long-dead Soviet legal system to the Swiss seems... READ MORE